Vegan Skincare | Apollo & Artemis Beauty


Congratulations on taking the plunge! Switching to vegan skincare is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Your skin will definitely thank you for it later on. Vegan skincare is more than just a fad; it is a conscious decision to make better decisions for the health of your skin and the health of the environment. Going vegan is a healthy lifestyle choice that often means taking a smart approach to sustainable practices.

Going vegan with your skincare routine may seem very daunting. No worries! We’ve got your back. We know this is going to be an adjustment. However, it doesn’t have to be a scary one. We are excited to share with you our tips for transitioning to vegan skincare and maintaining great skin in the process. 

Read the Labels to guarantee vegan skincare products

The first thing you will want to do when you are ready to switch to vegan skincare is to read the labels of the products you currently have. Reading is going to be the biggest part of your transition. All vegan skincare is not created equal. Some vegan skincare products aren’t even 100% vegan! 

You are going to want to keep an eye out for specific ingredients such as:

  • Petrolatums
  • Parabens 
  • Phthalates 
  • Non-vegan glycerin
  • Non-vegan waxes and oils

Some of these products may use more technical names or generic names, but the more you read, the faster you will be able to pick out the ingredients to avoid. First, have a general idea of what to avoid and what ingredients to include in your routine, such as:

  • Vegan glycerin
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Essential oils
  • Plant-based oils

You’ll then have great insight into which products will be great for your skin. 


This could be the easiest or hardest part, depending on your current stash of skincare products. If you are the type to have a lot of products in your bathroom due to trial and error or even as a product junkie, this purging process is going to be very cleansing for you.

Some of the products you’ve already used will have to be thrown away, especially if they have been used multiple times and contaminated. Also, check for expiration dates. Do not keep or give away expired products. Recycle them responsibly and move forward. 

Products that are still in good condition don’t necessarily have to go to waste. These products can be given away to family members, and those that haven’t yet been opened can be returned to the store from which you purchased them. Make sure you check the return policy. Unopened products that cannot be returned can be donated to shelters for people in need.

Start Slow with vegan skincare

Restrain yourself from buying every vegan skincare brand of products on the market. Hopefully, if you have been reading labels, you have narrowed down to one or two product lines that you are ready to try. Start off slowly with one brand and a few basic products. 

Apollo and Artemis has a few bundles that are great for starting up your new skincare routine. 

Even with vegan and cruelty-free products, there is still the possibility of coming across an ingredient that can trigger an unknown allergy. After all, some of these ingredients are completely new to your skin. For those with sensitive skin, it is a good idea to do a patch test before applying the product over your entire face. 

Take Your Time

Once you have started using your new products, give it some time. It is easy to jump in and start trying out a bunch of products and creating the same storage situation you had in your bathroom before. Give the products some time to work and slowly add new products until you have achieved your desired skincare routine. 

Starting off slowly and taking your time allows your skin to adjust to the changes – your skin is fully adjusted to your old skincare routine and those ingredients. Ideally, if you started off with good techniques, you shouldn’t change them. If you are learning new techniques, that, too, will take time for adjustment. Your skin is going to react and respond to the new treatments. 

Enjoy Your Great Skin!

After you have gotten used to your new products and created the skincare regimen that you are comfortable with, feel free to enjoy your new skin! You are now all set to move forward with your newly sustainable skincare regimen. You will definitely notice that your skin is healthier. The products you are using will be lighter, and they also tend to work faster because of the whole ingredients and lack of unnecessary fillers. 

In conclusion, switching from your regular skincare regimen to a vegan, cruelty-free skincare may seem complicated at first. However, with just a little bit of time and extra reading, you will be switched over to a sustainable regimen in no time! Apollo and Artemis is a great option for all of your vegan and cruelty-free skincare products. Check out our bundles TODAY!